Redefining industries with 3D technology
So proud of our collaboration with Nestlé Nespresso to launch our state-of-the-art 3D viewer for their premium coffee machines. This innovative viewer will revolutionize the way customers interact with Nespresso products, offering an immersive & interactive experience like never before.
We are excited to announce our collaboration with Componental to launch our state-of-the-art 3D viewer for showcasing Dubby; a quadrophonic musical power tool, built with a fully customizable software environment. Previewing with 3D will provide an immersive visualization experience, enhancing how users interact with Dubby's innovative controls.
So proud of our collaboration with fashion designer Avgousta Theodoulou to enhance the digital showcase of her online shop by bringing the digital twins of her products into life. We offer interactive photorealistic 3D product previews & variations to allow her visitors to navigate better and interact with her products taking the online customer's journey to a whole new level.
So proud of our collaboration collaboration with AUEB e-shop to bring a cutting-edge shopping experience. We provide customers with immersive photorealistic 3D product previews & animations, enhancing their online shopping experience by allowing users to explore and interact with products like never before.
So proud of our collaboration with the wood workshop DGrigs to enhance the digital showcase of their online shop by bringing the digital twins of their products into life. We offer interactive photorealistic 3D product previews to allow their visitors to navigate better and interact with products taking the online customer's journey to a whole new level.
We are very excited to be part of REACH and bring the power of 3D, machine learning and AI to help our data provider - Migros - revolutionize retail inventory management and shopping. By automatically detecting products consumers select while shopping, we can streamline inventory tracking and management or even provide customers real-time data and insights through an immersive experience.
So proud of our collaboration with American School of Classical Studies at Athens to enhance the digital showcase of organization's 3D repository by bringing the digital twins of their archaeological materials into life. We offer interactive photorealistic 3D previews & measurements to allow visitors to navigate better and interact with 3D assets taking the online user's journey to a whole new level.
So proud of our collaboration with Nvidia to publish in their latest book the details for WebRays - a GPU-accelerated ray intersection engine for the World Wide Web. It aims to offer a flexible and easy-to-use programming interface for robust and high-performance ray intersection tests on modern browsers.
So proud of our collaboration with Khronos Group to develop glTF Compressor, an open-source tool for 3D content creators, who need to transform & optimize their glTF assets for any real-time 3D application and environment. glTF has quickly become the de facto standard for 3D content on the web and in AR/VR applications.